Lawn Disease
& Pests
Lawn disease can be caused by stress – we all know how that can feel and so illness occurs. But the great thing is, we can treat it, and even better, we can prevent it. Whether your lawn is suffering from fungus, red thread, leaf spot or rust, Lancashire Lawncare can recommend a range of treatments to help your lawn get back to full health.
Pests can also cause major damage to your lawn – leatherjackets and chafer grubs being the culprits. We can control these pests using nematodes – a biological method without the use of chemicals or harmful sprays.
As pests cause damage – so can pets! We can recommend the BEST way to keep your lawn looking healthy for ALL the family.

Red Thread
What is red thread? Red thread normally a problem on lawns after a long hot dry summer. It may appear in the autumn months as a bleached out rigid grass with a small red or pinky colours. Red thread usually attacks lawns that are rarely fed and therefore to avoid this troublesome disease we’d recommend contacting us for a lawn treatment program to give your lawn the care and attention it needs to avoid this type of problem. After treating the red thread will spear like a straw like grass which is removed by mowing the lawn. Lancashire Lawncare provides a quarterly application of lawn fertiliser to keep your lawn well nourished and this in turn boosts the strength of your lawn to fight off diseases such as red thread. Call us today to book your free lawn analysis.

Dog Urine
A further problem to your lawn could well be that “man’s best friend” is using the lawn as a toilet. Although not technically a pest, the urine from a female dog will cause the grass to turn brown in small circular patches. Why does this happen? Well, In effect the urine scorches the lawn much the same as applying too much fertiliser to an area of grass in very dry conditions. The urine should be heavily watered to try and dilute it. Other than that it might be best to keep your dog off the lawn as much as you can.

During the spring and summer you may notice small brown marks appearing on your lawn. Why? Well this could well be the work of leatherjackets which are the larvae of the Crane Fly (more commonly known as the daddy longlegs!) These little pests eat away at the roots of your grass which in turn causes the grass to die thus turning brown. A further sign that you may have leatherjackets is if you notice birds, usually starlings, pecking away at your grass. This will not harm your lawn and will help a little in clearing some of the grubs. Having just a few small patches in the lawn is not a major concern however if you have a lawn full of leatherjackets then you need to take action. If you are experiencing any problems with your lawn please call us without delay.

Chafer Grubs
As with leatherjackets you may notice small brown patches appearing on your lawn or birds vigorously pecking your lawn. This may be an indication that you have chafer grubs. The chafer grub is the larvae of the chafer beetle and can do considerable damage to your lawn if left untreated. It lives just beneath the surface of the grass and happily munches its way through the roots of the grass leaving them without nourishment from the soil and therefore turning brown and dying. Should you suspect that you have chafer grubs or any other type of pest that needs controlling then please give Lancashire Lawncare a call without delay. We specialise in numerous pest control applications to keep your lawn pest free and healthy all year round.